Partner With
The Healthy SSIS Group
Partnering with The Healthy SSIS Group is a great opportunity to get your business in front of our target market, your potential customers. We still have slots available for 2023, will we prepare for 2024!
We invite you to sponsor an event and/or place an ad in the souvenir program booklet to increase your reach! For information, please email and we will contact you. Thank you for your consideration.
Use this link to partner with SSIS!
Sponsorship Opportunities
for the stage play production of Reality Check (up to 750 attendees )
DESIGNER SPONSOR (1) - $10,000
Everything included in the Directorial Sponsor package, and
Full Page color ad in production playbill for the entire season
10 tickets in VIP section
VIP Treatment
Recognition throughout including in the welcome speech given on the performance nights of the sponsored production.
Lobby recognition for all stage plays within a year.
Company Name mentioned in the sponsored production.
Everything included in the Producer Sponsor, plus:
Logo placement identifying you as the Directorial Sponsor in the theatre lobby for one year of production.
Company logo on all printed tickets for sponsored production
Full Page color ad in production playbill
Recognition through including in the welcome speech given on the performance nights of the sponsored production.
PRODUCER SPONSOR (1)- $2,500.00
Includes everything in the Writer sponsorship package, plus:
Company Name and logo to appear in advertisements for the production.
Logo placement identifying you as the Producer Sponsor in the theatre lobby for sponsored production.
Four (4) complimentary tickets for opening night
Full page B/W ad in playbill
Logo and link to sponsor’s website featured on website and in all email campaigns.
Recognition on Facebook business pages
WRITER SPONSOR (2) -$1,000.00
Includes everything in the Friend of SSIS sponsorship package, plus:
Mentioned in all press releases, announcements, and media engagements for the production.
½ page B/W ad
Includes everything in the Friend of SSIS sponsorship package, plus:
Signage in the concession area.
includes a B/W 1/4-page ad in the playbill.
FRIEND OF HOPE SPONSOR (Unlimited) - $250.00
B/W 1/4- page ad in the playbill
Two complimentary tickets for opening night performance
Place an Ad in our Souvenir Journal
SOUVENIR PROGRAM ADVERTISING - Must send camera ready ad by November 21, 2023
Please send your ad in digital format (JPEG, PNG or PDF). Check which size below advertisement:
Full size: 8 x 5 (vertical required) $150 B/W
½ page: 4 x 5 (horizontal required) $100 B/W
¼ page: 2.5 x 3 (vertical required) $50 B/W
Full size: 8 x 5 (vertical required) $300 Color
½ page: 4 x 5 (horizontal required) $200 Color
¼ page: 2.5 x 3 (vertical required) $100 Color